쌀겨효소테라피 어떻게 이용하지? 

효소욕 시간은 보통 15분.
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일반사우나 찜질의 1~2시간 효과를 볼 수 있습니다.

효소찜질은 연속적으로 하여야 효과적이라는 것인데,  평균적으로 각종 암환자, 아토피중증, 건선중증의 경우  
6개월을 지속적으로 이용 함을 권장하며, 

일반적인 경우 초기 2주일간은 1주일에 3회 이용하며,  2주 후 부터는 1주일에 2회 정도씩 이용하면  늘 쾌적한 신체조건을 유지 할 수 있습니다.

How to use rice bran enzyme therapy?
The enzyme bath time is usually 15 minutes. 

During this time, heat is not dissipated and almost all is absorbed by the body, so you can see the effect of a regular sauna or poultice for 1 to 2 hours.

Enzyme poultice is effective only when it is applied continuously. 

On average, it is recommended to use 6 months continuously for various cancer patients, severe atopic, and severe psoriasis, and in general, 
use 3 times a week for the initial 2 weeks. 
After 2 weeks, you can always maintain a comfortable physical condition if you use it twice a week.‌


 Rice bran enzyme therapy course information
1. Go to the dressing room
    - Take off your underwear and change into an enzyme suit.
    -  Enter the enzyme therapy room.

2. Before bathing in the rice bran enzyme.
    1) Put a headscarf on your head over your ears.
        *Don’t let the rice bran get into your ears.
    2) Put your cell phone and key on the ledge.

3. Rice bran enzyme therapy starts (15 minutes)
    1) Lie down in an enzyme bath.
    2) Put your palm on your side.
    3) Cover the body with rice bran enzyme and try not to move.
    4) Rice brine enzyme steaming will last for 15 minutes.
        *If it’s hard or too hot, tell the guide.
          If you get thirsty, tell the guide.
   5) When the alarm sounds that 15 minutes is over, slowly pull out your arm.
        Next, sweep the rice bran from your chest to the belly with your hands.
        Next, pull your legs out of the rice bran.
        Finally, raise only the upper body.
       *You may be dehydrated, so drink plenty of water.
4. Take a rest for about an hour.
      *If you bend your knees and put your feet in the rice bran, you can get a pumice  effect.
      *Your skin will feel exfoliated.

5. Go to shower.
     1) Shake off the rice bran and come out.
     2) Go to shower room.
     3) There’s rice bran dough in the shower to wash with.
     4) In the shower, scrub with rice bran instead of soap.
     5) Rinse in shower. Then your skin gets smooth.

6. Take a rest in the massage chair with coffee.

※ Advice
      - The key used for shoe locker is the same key and number you will use in the  locker room.
      - Do not move when using rice bran enzyme fermention.
      -  It gets very hot when you move.
      - The fermented rice bran is about 70 degrees celsius.
          However, it contains moisture, so the temperature will feel about 40℃.
      - Enzyme therapy is 15 minutes.
         It is similar to the amount of heat consumed when running about 13km per enzyme  poultice.